What is Poetic Larceny?
And how can I learn more about Flux’s upcoming production of Pretty Theft?
Actor, May 11th
Previous Flux stuff: New Flux Sunday artist and Martha in the upcoming Fall production of The Lesser Seductions of History
We asked the amazing artists of our upcoming staged reading series Poetic Larceny to answer some questions about stealing, beauty, and consequences. Read on for their answers!
Question #1: What is the worst thing you’ve ever stolen?
Time. Although I am disciplined, I have been guilty of a little something I like to call “recreational dating.” I mean, would I really settle down with a dude who hates Simon and Garfunkel, thinks all illicit drugs should be legalized, and believes that recycling is a global conspiracy that originated in California after Happy Days was canceled?…Of course not. But would I find it fascinating to share a pot of Jasmine Green tea from Teaspot with said dude? You betcha.
Question #2: What is the worst thing that’s been stolen from you?
My love of movie-going. Yes, I can’t decide if the culpability belongs to New York for it’s inflated price tags or if it belongs to me for choosing to live life an artist, but I used to go to the movies AT LEAST once a week in Middle and High School.
Question #3: What do you find pretty?
Myself. I know. It’s vain. It’s terrible. It’s socially unacceptable for a pretty girl to admit that thinks herself to be pretty. But I like my face, and I think everyone should work hard to think so of themselves too.
Question #4: What do you find beautiful?
Strong spirits and people who know that their greatest strengths live in the full knowledge of their weaknesses. Retribution is beautiful. Shades of gray, complexities, vulnerabilities, living optimistically in dismal realities is beautiful. People who do that which exhausts them knowing that nothing is given. Entitlementlessness. Listlessness. Limitlessness.
Question #5: If you could steal something beautiful without consequences, what would it be?
My lovers’ heart. If I could capture his affections permanently, knowing I would have them forever and without consequence, I would. (Don’t begrudge my hopelessromanticness.)
Bio: Originally from Baltimore, MD; DeWanda is an actress across genres in theater, film, and television. Favorite Theatrical roles include Electra from the Adrianne Kennedy adaptation (Tisch); Mercy in Charlayne Woodard’s Flight (City Theatre, Pittsburgh); and Abigail of In the Continuum (Playmakers, Chapel Hill) Favored Film roles include Claudia in Spinning into Butter, a young Wendy Williams in Queen of Media, & Miriam in Push: Based On the Novel by Sapphire. A proud member of Equity, SAG, & AFTRA, she is a Tisch scholar award recipient, an Atlantic Achievement in Studio Award recipient, and the BFA Representative of her graduating class of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts.
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