Have Another Pictures

Have Another was back! And we had a great time – thanks to the audience, and in spite of the basil, it was our best yet. To see what we did and who did it, go here.
Jake Alexander, the Have Another Maestro, captained the whole affair from start to last call, and do you see how charming he is? Very.

It’s one thing to be a crazy talented playwright/actor who is capable of writing plays in rhyming hexameter (we’re looking at you, Johnna Adams). It’s quite another to whip together the wax head of Marie Antoinette the night before. Hooray for Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens!
Mary Fengar Gael’s first scene from Opaline had the audience howling and the gift of the evening was one particularly funny moment where the mighty Ryan Andes, with a sweeping gesture, knocked Nancy ever so slightly in the head, and to apologize (in character), gave her a sideways hug that stopped the play with laughter; and just when the laughs seemed ready to ebb, Nancy expertly leaned her head just so against Ryan’s chest, as if to say, all is well; and the laughter swelled again. Little gifts of live theatre (in bars).
The night ended with Aaron’s gorgeous end of act 1 scene from his play, We Are Burning. The lovers above can’t be fully happy, because…
…because the memory of lost love is so perfect.
Our audience (spot director Alexis Williams!) was warm…
…our minds were rapt…
…and a lovely time was had by most (and maybe all).
Did we mention David Ian Lee was brooding and enigmatic as Prometheus? Did you see him steal Amy Fitts’ beer in the scene? Now that’s acting.
This one speaks for itself. And now…
…you’re obligatory Isaiah artsy logo in action shot…
…and a bonus Isaiah acting shot.
For all the pics, go here. Check them out, and let me know if there are any others that MUST be posted here.
What were your favorite moments in the night? Comment below!
And THANK YOU to everyone who came out – it was a great night, and we were thrilled to share some of our plays in development with you.
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