Human 2.0 Artist – Carissa Cordes

This interview series will focus on the artists of DEINDE and ForePlay Human 2.0, asking them to riff on the themes and question of the plays.

Carissa Cordes…well, what can we say? If you know her, you know how amazing she is, as an artist, collaborator, and person. If you don’t know her, you may want to remedy that. She tore it up in our 4/9 ForePlay with deeply felt performances in What We Have and Social Media, topping it off with a grace-note grin as Pedobear in Shit the Future Says.

What crazy invention are you most looking forward to in the future?
A non-corrupt and benevolent government serving the public and recognizing the rights of the minority.

Also…Star Trek Voyager style Medical Scanner.

In 2051, theatre will be___
___very much needed, as a means of human connection and story telling that isn’t possible through artificial means.

If you could evolve one of your own senses, which would it be, and why?
Flying. because flying is cool.

For the human race to evolve, it will need to___
____be more concerned about the well-being of fellow human beings and respecting the opinions and needs of others.

A time-travelling-you from the future suddenly appears with something important to tell present-you. What do they have to say?
We will have to wait and see to find out.

Will the future be more like Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, or the Jetsons?
With the recent laws that have been passed I can only see it as being more Star Wars. A ruthless empire pursuing the interests of one power hungry, ruthless, corrupt greedy man, vs a federation devoted to the equality and advancement of all. I would prefer it to be more Star Trek.

If you had the opportunity to think and feel directly into a computer, would you take it?
No. I spend too much time with the computer anyways.

Carissa Cordes has been a Friend of Flux before Flux was, well, Flux. She has participated in numerous Flux Sundays, Foreplays Petty Larceny and New Worlds Iliads, Have Another and the past Flux retreat. She helps out hanging lights and building carts during Flux load-ins and destroyed at least 2 sets with only her bare hands…and a sawz-all. A lover of Shakespeare and experimental theatre she played Green Eyes, Deathwatch (FringeNYC); Rosalind, As You Like It; Ariel, The Tempest (The Warehouse), Varya, The Cherry Orchard (Columbia) and many others. Carissa moved to NYC 12 years ago and has a BFA from NYU.

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