Help These Crimefighters Fight Crime

Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Aja Houston, Rachael Hip-Flores, Becky Byers.
It’s not easy, fighting crime in a city like this. Oh sure, they’ve taken down super-villains like Muddlehead and the Electric Eel, but there’s a new menace lurking, and our Crimefighters need some new weapons. If you have a lead on the following weapons, please let us know:
- Katana sword*
- Dual short blades or eskrima sticks*
- Nunchaku (nunchucks)*
- Some sort of staff-length weapon (i.e., a spear, a trident, bo staff, quarter-staff)
- As many syringes as possible*
- Short knives
Thanks to Stephanie “the Tom Savini of Off Off Broadway” Cox-Williams, we have a lead on the starred weapons, but the more we have, the more super-villains these gallant Crimfighters can take down.
Don’t you want to live a in a city where Little Orphan Drillnose is behind bars?
Of course you do. Also, the Crimefighters could use a DJ to help combat evil. Here’s the skinny we pulled from the local Wanted ads:
Flux Theatre Ensemble ( is seeking a DJ/actor (any age, gender or ethnicity) for their December production of Hearts Like Fists (Nov 30 to Dec 15). The DJ will perform live, integrating music and sound into the show. The DJ will be present at some rehearsals (Oct 26 to Nov 29) to help create a mix that will organically fit into the production. The DJ may also play the role of The Commissioner, the enigmatic mastermind behind The Crimefighters (think Charlie in Charlie’s Angels). Please contact Kelly O’Donnell, kelly@fluxtheatre.
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