Flux Sunday and SpeakEasy, 1/13/13

Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Post by August Schulenburg.
OK, so Isaiah beat me to the post even with my week’s head-start. But, I will make up for it by including a pic & deets from our last SpeakEasy, which happened after Flux Sunday on the 13th.
Playwrights: Katherine Burger (The Rainy Season), Aja Houston (Acirfa Unchained), August Schulenburg (Girlz), Isaiah Tanenbaum (Transcendental Etudes)
Directors: Pete Boisvert, Heather Cohn, Jennifer Gordon Thomas
Actors: Romy Nordlinger, Adriana Jones, Emily Hartford, Carissa Cordes, Sarah Amandes, Ken Glickfeld, Melissa Herion, Matt Trumbull, Alisha Spielmann, Marc Castle, David Levin, Liza Fernandez, Stephanie Willing, Aaron Zook, Harrison Greene, Ridley Parson
Highlights included:
-The many faces (and genders) of the close of The Rainy Season–it was marvelous to see the self-lacertaing brilliance of Frederick Fletcher transmute so clearly across gender in Matt T’s and Romy’s reads…and happysad to say farewell to Katherine’s play.
-Alisha’s heartbreaking Joyce in Transcendental Etudes–is there anyone else who can play 16 to 96 quite so well?
-Pete’s bold direction of Acirfa Unchained (loved the levels)…and Stephanie’s ruthless incarnation of a dangerous spirit!
-The entire cast of Girlz, for rolling with my last-minute (and that-minute) pages–Sessions 4eva!
SpeakEasy at Amity Hall
(What is a SpeakEasy?)
(What is a Friend of Flux, or FoF?)
A SpeakEasy is the regular gathering of Friends of Flux over drinks and food to brainstorm ideas, give feedback, and share updates about our mutual work. SpeakEasy is somewhere between a Town Hall, a party, and a gathering of the knights of the round table.
After Flux Sunday, we headed to the downstairs of Amity Hall to talk about our upcoming auditions for the rep of Johnna Adam’s Sans Merci and my own Honey Fist. Heather Cohn, the director of SM, talked about the roles and play, and what she and Johnna were looking for; then I did the same for HF. Part of being a Friend of Flux is greater access to the casting process, and I think this was our most successful attempt at living up to that ideal…though we’ll see if the FoFs agree at our next SpeakEasy on the 13th!
We also discussed the upcoming (and now downcoming) Food:Soul of Nat Cassidy’s Goldsboro. We’ll be sharing pics and thoughts from that wild and warm (and scorpion) event shortly. The next SpeakEasy will focus on:
- Audition process–how did it go for people?
- Food:Soul–what worked, what didn’t?
- BARP update–FOFs want to get involved? (This is our Big Artistic Risk Project–lots more on this soon)
- Have Another–save the date for March 15, when we’ll be back at Jimmy’s #43
- Literary Committee–we need help!
If you have questions about Friends of Flux (like, hey, why aren’t I one?) email me at gus@fluxtheatre.org.
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