The S.H.I.T. List Lives

(Screen shot from Daryl Lathon’s film for the S.H.I.T. List, featuring Shaun Bennet Fauntleroy.)
We did it!
Thanks to your help with the voting, the Shared Independent Theatre List, aka, the S.H.I.T. List, lives…or at least, we now have funds to help bring it to life.
Those funds are courtesy of the LIT Fund, whose vision to support Indie theatre you can learn more about here. We extend a huge note of gratitude to the Lit Fund for making this work possible, and to the voting members who said “yes” to the S.H.I.T. list.
This whole process was envisioned and led by Sandy Yaklin and her mates at Gideon Productions; supported by friends at Mozzelstead Productions and by Friends of Flux like film-director Daryl Lathon and the dancing star above, Shaun Bennet Fauntleroy; Mac Rogers wrote the brilliant film script; the get-out-the-vote effort was led by Sean Williams; and our own Heather Cohn was the point person on Flux’s side. At the announcement party, Flux Creative Partner Sol Crespo and Friend of Flux Mike Mihm represented Flux when the good word was announced. Actors in the film included Heather, myself, Kia Rogers in a brilliant film debut, and the now infamous Will “In the Name of the Future” Lowry…we greatly anticipate his character’s spin-offs. To everyone involved in this process, thank you!
Here’s more info about the LIT Fund grant process, and our pitch:
S.H.I.T. List
Gideon Productions, Flux Theatre Ensemble and Shaun Bennet Fauntleroy propose The S.H.I.T. List, a web-based database that independent theater companies in and around NYC can use to sell, rent, lend or swap basic set pieces, furniture, props and costumes. Community resource: Most small theater companies in New York City lack storage space, so set pieces and props hit the dumpster after a show closes. The S.H.I.T. List is a low-cost solution for reducing waste, lowering design costs, and moving small theater companies toward a greener process.
More on all this soon, but for now, go team!
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