Happy Fluxgiving 2013

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: The closing fire at the 2013 Annual Retreat at Little Pond. Post by the Creative Partners of Flux, with an intro from August Schulenburg)

The Schulenburg Thanksgiving meal tradition is not for the faint-of-heart. You will eventually get to eat, but not before passing through a gauntlet of increasingly emotionally-raw toasts (like, pretty-much a tear-stained toast every two minutes for about a half an hour straight). Your stuffing may be seasoned with an awareness of encroaching mortality and our brief time together, and our gravy is leavened with sincere tears and heartfelt laughter.

But what about my other family, Flux Theatre Ensemble? Since we cannot all be together this Thanksgiving, the Creative Partners decided to each share a Flux-centric toast to our Friends of Flux (FoFs) and some of the other things we’re thankful for this year. Please share your own Fluxy toast in the comments, so that we can remember this year we’ve shared together, and if you’re so inspired, share this hopefully-growing post on Facebook and Twitter (and if you’re also so inspired, please consider making a donation–every gift really does make a difference.)

So, raise your glass for Fluxgiving 2013…

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Julian Stetkyvech and Chinaza Uche sharing the role of Hades in Kristen Palmer’s Persephone at the 2013 Annual Retreat.)

Chinaza Uche: I am grateful for Sans Merci!! The beautiful work by all the artists in it- and how it made me weep like a toothless baby. And Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious G0-betweens, too… which made me cry huge Dinosaur-sized tears of Laughter and Joy. Thanks Johnna Adams for… Everything. I feel like I owe you a personal card or a homemade pie… I am grateful for Lori Parquet and her play Sir which she shared at Food:Soul–Understand Your Ground. I am thankful to have such a relentlessly awesome, and brave artist in our community, who is always evolving and displaying new riches. I am also grateful Flux has given her a space to share those riches with the world. I am grateful for the S.H.I.T list, awesome companies coming together to make awesome …. SHIT happen! (Is it ok I said that? We all grown ups here… right?… Sorry. I love you. Forgive me.) And I am thankful for becoming a Flux Creative Partner. I feel like all those kids from Captain Planet; WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED….. a weird green/blue guy in fuchsia spandex pants can be formed… and that guy is called Captain “Cool Theatre Company makes you feel home hug you with art” Man.

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Heather Cohn, Rachael Hip-Flores, Alisha Spielmann, Susan Ferrara, Audrey Marshall.)

Heather Cohn: I am thankful for so much this year! So happy to have celebrated the weddings of two sisters, Cathy and Marnie, and to have stood by both their sides in the ceremony. Fluxy-wise I am thankful for Will Lowry’s consistent commitment to excellence, creativity and attention to detail (Hearts Like Fists comic drawings for both marketing and the set; his wonderful costume designs for the Rep, even though we disagreed on the socks (teehee); and his master spreadsheet for this year’s Annual Retreat). And of course the gifs – so grateful for the gifs. I am deeply grateful to the magician behind the curtain, FoF Sandy Yaklin, who basically single-handedly made our new home, The Sandbox, possible. You rock Sandy! And to the LIT Fund for the $5,000 grant to support the creation of the Sh.I.T. List. And a thanksgiving toast to FoF Ken Glickfeld–you are an inspiration and a Flux hero. I won’t soon forget the beautiful work of our friends at Touchstone Theatre Ensemble on their production of Ulysses Dreams. And this paragraph would be incomplete without a quick shoutout to my Sans Merci ladies. Oh, and to the subscribers of DUCKFACTS (you know who you are), thank you for making this world a better place for ducks and their facts.

(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Nat Cassidy, Lori E. Parquet, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Anna Rahn and Chinaza Uche in Honey Fist.)

Isaiah Tanenbaum: So much to be thankful for this year! I am thankful for the amazing way that our new CPs — Chinaza, Rachael, Alisha, Becky, and Sol — have stepped up and taken “creative partnership” to heart. We’ve had a super-packed autumn and the only way that we’ve managed to take all that on is through the hard work of the newbies. I’m thankful for key Friends of Flux, too, like Josh Hanson who comes to everything and pitches in for every tech. I’m thankful for Martin Denton’s tireless and decades-long promoting, documenting, and sharing of the work of independent theatre, first at nytheatre.com and now at indietheatrenow. And I’m thankful for Jessa, my wife who I see not nearly enough because of all this theatre I keep doing, and who dutifully shows up to see it all.

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Anna Lamadrid, Will Lowry, Mike Mihm, Chris Wight, Becky Byers, Carissa Cordes)

Sol Crespo: I am grateful for being a newly named Creative Partner at Flux. Finally, I get to be in power and tell people what to do! AHAHAHA. Except it’s not like that at all. It’s more like a cozy clubhouse, where we bring snacks (they’re gonna be snacks, right? I need my snacks, man!) and crack wise all while theatre making with my besties. I’m thankful that I got to see Anna Rahn’s unappeasable Rene in Honey Fist, both beautiful and heartbreaking and I’m glad we saw so much more of her this year. I’m thankful that Becky asked me to dance dance dance in her piece “Hope, Struggle, Progress” where I was able to re-connect with my dance-y self and get to work with awesome artists that I had only known from the sidelines like Emily Hartford, Aja Houston and Chester Poon, his resemblance to a baby bird is uncanny. I am thankful for events like Food:Soul. Every time I looked over at Chinaza, my heart would swell with pride to see this young man lead us into a powerful journey and make sure we all got back from it safe and sound. I am thankful for my first Family Feud where I witnessed the ridiculously beautiful and talented FoF’s at work. If we ever go back to high school, I want Marnie Schulenburg in charge of the cafeteria. I am thankful that I get to play in Encryption land with Isaiah and Rachael and my bestest friend of them all, Mike Mihm who  joined us in his first Flux Retreat this year where we saw him transform from a wheelchair bound vet into a rockstar who had to fake propose to his real girlfriend which then led to a mihmorable appearance at our last Have Another–Youths! I can only hope for more opportunities to do what I love with the people I love.

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Aja Houston, Rachael Hip-Flores, August Schulenburg, Becky Byers, Marnie Schulenburg) 

Becky Byers: I am grateful for so much this year!  First of, I am beyond thankful to become a creative partner with such a talented and compassionate group of artists.  Let the adventures begin!
I’m incredibly grateful to Gus, Sol, Chester, Aja, and Emily for giving life to “Hope, Struggle, Progress.”  Thank you for taking yourselves both physically and mentally out of your comfort zones and making this piece more beautiful and compelling than I’d imagined.  You are the dream team. I want to take a moment to thank my DUCK FACTS subscription because it always, always makes my day better.  Love the auto-renewal policy.  Seamless.
I’m immensely grateful for Rocio Mendez and Adam Swiderski’s kickass NYIT-nominated fight choreography for Hearts Like Fists.  Thanks for making us look super heroic and LETTING ME HIT PEOPLE WITH STICKS.  And hell, I’m grateful for every single person involved, be it Will Lowry for his awesome set, Stephanie Levin for her badass costume design, Adam Szymcowitz for his killer words, or Kelly O’Donnell for her directing wizardry.  I love and miss the entire cast and crew!
I need to take a moment to thank Shaun Fauntleroy for FIIIIIITZ!!
 And last but not least, I’m thankful for Will Lowry.  You’re always annoyingly nudging me towards bravery, like I can actually accomplish the things I dream up.  Thanks for all your tireless love, support, and foot rubs.

(Photo by Ned Thome. Pictured: Shaun B. Fauntleroy, Rachael Hip-Flores, Ken Glickfeld, Pete Boisvert from Nat Cassidy’s Goldsboro.)
Rachael Hip-Flores: I am thankful for the absurd amount of joy (core value) that Flux brought to my life this year. It’s been a joy to hear Sol Crespo pronounce her own name (apparently it’s in a different language); it was a joy to watch Carissa’s aerial routine (even on a phone, it was gorgeous); and it’s a joy to gather every Sundayto see what happens when crazy talented playwrights mix with crazy talented actors and crazy talented directors and everyone gets into one room and is shaken and possibly stirred (now will you sleep with me, Daniel Craig?). With no other group of people could the amount of physical exertion required for Hearts Like Fists ever have been fun, but, Jesus, it was so fun. – I’m thankful for Adam Szymkowicz’s Sara at the Retreat, for Boomerang’s Lickspittles, for Vampire Cowboys’ Geek, and for the sexiest inbred, semi-supernatural mutant family this side of the ocean (lookin’ at you Shaun Fauntleroy. So is Suzy). I am totally thankful for the free food at the Food:Souls; so I’m thankful for Jodi’s rassberry bars and Kelly’s veggie chili, and probably that thing you cooked, too. I probably had thirds of that and took some home for later, so thanks! Completely grateful for the FoF’s of Faust and Encryption and Producing Juliet because it’s an honor to be part of a freaking amazing community of working artists working together. And I know it’s been said, but Sans Merci was a life-changing experience and I am so, so thankful for the friendships and bonds that came out of it. Lastly, I’m thankful, of course, to have been asked to be a Creative Partner, because Flux feels like home, and it feels like home because of the people in it. So big, actual, alarmingly earnest Thanks so much to the FoFs and the CPs for the joy and the home that you’ve made this year 🙂
 Oh and my parents, boyfriend, probably a sibling or two, Odin…
(Photo: Alisha Spielmann and Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Stepping at the Retreat)
Kelly O’Donnell:
These Are Just A Few of the Fluxy Things That I Am Thankful For

(sung to the tune of “I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General)

These are just a few of the Fluxy things that I am thankful for:
The LIT space, and the shards, and even Janie’s dubstep underscore,
And Kia’s aunt who helped us provide donors with some food galore,
The Sandbox storage space which measures 12 by 6 by 12.4,
All the designers provide the shows with appropriate decor,
Our stage manager Jodi who can run a show with sweet amour
There are so many people in the world who give their love to Flux
Like Judson’s Bailout The-a-ter who partners with us for pot-lucks
When people donate anything to us it makes me say “Aw shucks,
Your generosity and love is just the thing that gives us pluck.”
The Fam’ly Feud Committe and Contestants this year were hardcore
And let me not forget our mascot, Fluxy, the green dinosaur;
One hundred fifty Friends of Flux, to them I give a big shout-out;
Five new Creative Partners made our ensemble happily sprout;
Observing Touchstone’s process and technique was so inspiring;
I loved the fights in Hearts Like Fists (my god it looked so tiring).
Though doing rep often felt impossible for us to sustain,
It all felt worth it when I saw the audience was entertained.
And Little Pond, I’m thankful for the beauty that you give to us.
It’s such a perfect space to work on vision statements lead by Gus.
When Adam and Gus write such great plays and Johnna’s bring me to tears
I’m thankful that Flux has been my creative home for 8 full years
As I eat turkey with my fa-mi-ly until my belly’s sore
I’ll think about all of the Fluxy things that I am thankful for.

(Photo by Alisha Spielmann and Will Lowry, featuring Becky Byers, Rachael Hip-Flores and Alisha Spielmann at Flux’s new Storage Space, playing with props and costumes)

Alisha Spielmann: I am so thankful for Flux in my life, in particular to this year.  I am so extremely thankful for the experience I had working with Rachael, Susan, Heather, Audrey, and Johnna on Sans Merci. I just feel so freakin’ lucky, and it’s absolutely going to be a moment in my life that I will look back on and think, holy crap, what an incredible story to be a part of with those amazing women. Also, holy nakedness, lolol… So thankful for all the bravery that surged through me for that.
I’m also thankful to have been asked to be a Creative Partner this year – and get to work alongside such talent is pretty fantastic. I am always incredibly thankful to all the artists who give their time each Sunday to put together scenes, and for those playwrights who brave their scenes at Flux Sunday, including Shaun B. Fauntleroy, Aja Houston and Nandita Shenoy.  I am incredibly grateful for the amazing time I’ve been able to get to know Susan Louise O’Connor and the shows we’ve gone to see, including most recently Dani Girl by the incredible Exit Pursued By A Bear Company.  I’m so very thankful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of Producing Juliet, and all my opportunities to travel this year, including California to see my Cali family, Little Pond for the Flux Retreat, Minnesota for my friend Jyoti’s wedding, and London for the premiere of Producing Juliet. Last but not least, I’m so thankful for all the love and support of friends and family in NYC and around our little yet giant world – I’m fairly certain I don’t know if I could be the person that I am today without the love of those near and far, and I am so grateful for that in my life.
Also, special shoutout to Choxie and her FaceTime with me – YOU WILL ALWAYS GET A PUPPY TREAT!!!!
(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Kia Rogers, Emily Hartford, Chester Poon, Rachael Hip-Flores, August Schulenburg, Sol Crespo, Alisha Spielmann, Jane Taylor at a BARP planning meeting)
Kia Rogers: So grateful for the creative space to express my art with ensemble realness; for BARP amazingness that Heather created with a blue plate and then blue paper torn and thrown into the air after Becky’s sorrowful choreography and Rachel’s sense of loss while washing dishes; for Michael Criscuolo’s unending help with storage + the 4th annual Family Feud, for Carrisa’s readiness to help last minute and beautiful craftsmenship for building the Birdsnest for Sans Merci, and Emily Hartford’s endless imagination with BARP at the retreat; for Flux’s partnership with Touchstone, getting to participate in their process on The Odyssey Project and watching the final production. It was very moving and inspirational for me to see ensemble work in a found theatre space and speak after about the choices made…I am most thankful for all the new friends I have met this year, building a theatre home and community in NYC and all the support, love and creative energy they have given to me! I feel 10 feet tall!
(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Various dinosaurs at Flux’s most recent Have Another)
Will Lowry: Theatre is such a passionate, driven, and intensely subjective industry, so first and foremost I’m thankful that–despite all the potential pressures and stresses–Flux echoes Peter Brook in that “a play is play.” This tenet is dear to me, and as such I’m appreciative of each and every creative partner lending to this atmosphere of joy. In particular I’d like to add my gratitude for Heather and Gus’s countless hours devoted to Flux’s organizational side. We’re all aware of their artistry, but their dedication to the nuts and bolts of Flux’s operation is essential to any success we may enjoy. And of course, words cannot suffice in expressing my utter appreciation and admiration for Becky. Daily I am fueled, driven, and inspired her wit, creativity, and talent. It would be untoward not to thank the positive influence she has had on me.
I’m also incredibly thankful for the amazing designers I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with this past year with Flux: Stephanie, Murdock, Kia, Janie, and Sara. Indie theatre can be ruthless and unforgiving to designers, but your skill and devotion invigorate my own work and push Flux’s production values to new heights. And beyond Flux, enough cannot be said in gratitude for Sandy Yaulkin’s brilliant ability and tireless efforts in improving the design/tech world of indie theatre at large, exemplified most by her creation of the Sandbox space in LIC. Finally, I appreciate the ceaseless support of my family, even when they question the sanity of my workload (don’t worry, I do too.) All of these artists, influences, and many more unnamed contribute to infuse both this field and my life with joy and excellence to the core, and for that I’m infinitely thankful. Also, I’m thankful for dinosaurs.
(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Mike Mihm, Sol Crespo)
August Schulenburg: When I think of what I am grateful for with Flux,
I think of the story Chinaza told at our Retreat story circle;
And how that became the story Isaiah told of a man with a magic penny, and how that man could give anyone else their dream come true, but in doing so,  lost a little of his own life force;
And how, with our Touchstone friends, we turned that into a gesture play where we gave our life force to the rest of the Retreat;
And how that mingled with the story of the vaudevillian father, giving away his life on tour;
And how I found myself playing that father  on the final day of the Retreat;
And how, in a small converted horse stall (ashes to ashes the mare will foal), I gave my daughter, Jane Taylor’s Pippa, the magic penny as I died;
And how, in that same stall, Mike Mihm watched and then played the vaudeville father when we remounted the scene in  NYC (Youths!);
And how, in that scene, a friend of Marianne Miller (and I hear her story of the 100 dollar bill) danced with Alisha Spielmann and then carried her dying character to the table;
And how this, at our best, is how Flux works;
We carry each other to the table of plenty;
We carry each other’s stories and mingle them with our own;
We give and are given;
And I hear Jen Kipley’s voice catch as she renders into the beautiful real Aja Houston’s Acrifa;
And I smile as Chester Poon says ‘yes’ without hesitation to a last minute Family Feud scheme;
And I remember dancing with Anna Rahn on the road to the top of Little Pond;
And I thank Jason Paradine for once again saving Flux during Rep tech;
And when will Tiffany Clementi come home?;
And we carry each other’s stories and mingle them with our own;
And I bless Heather O’Brien and Luis Cobo and Warren and Ellen Nichols and all others who give the grace of their attention;
And I hear Justin’s voice in the crack of thunder during Honey Fist, not once, but twice after “the sky, falling”;
And I think of just how damn good Matt Archambault was as Stu (and our host with the most);
And I ready myself to battle my sister;
And I cheer her marriage happiness with Zack, and Cathy’s with John, and Kristy’s with Kelly; and Trumbull’s (pending) with Stephanie;
And we give and are given;
And I dance with Lori and Rocio and Adam as DJ Chris spins the IT Award tunes;
And I mourn Nosedive Productions (long live Nosedive Productions!);
And I wonder how Sean and Jordana Williams do it (and I’m grateful that they do);
And I flinch as Jodi plunges the knife into the beam;
And I stay useful with Sol and Old Maid, I don’t turn around with Becky and Perse, I step with Lori, I dream of the devil with Rachael and Nat and Marielle, I crypt with Isaiah and Jessica and Mike, I dance in the fields of blue and glow with Heather, and I try to give as much as I am given;
And I watch as the Skittles fall;
And I carry you all with me as I sit at this table of plenty;
I hold out this magic penny in my open hand.
Thank you from all of us in Flux! Please leave your own toast/thanks/memory in the comments section below from our past year together, and then (if you’re so inspired) share this post and your t/t/m on Facebook and Twitter, and (if you’re feeling oh-so-inspired) give to help Flux keep going.
(Photo from Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Will Lowry and friends.)
Failing to fetch Flux at first keep encouraged,
Missing us one place search another,
We stop somewhere waiting for you.

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