Family Feud Flog Photo Booth Pictures

(Photo above by Isaiah Tanenbaum of Will Lowry and Rachael Hip-Flores. All other photos by Alisha Spielmann and team. Post by Sol Crespo and Alisha Spielmann.)
FAMILY FEUD FLUX BLOG AKA FLOG Try saying that three times fast! Alright, alright. We forgot we were addressing this to a bunch of theater artist overachievers. Our Yearbook committee was hard at work over the holidays (not really, we were all on vacation) to roll out this new edition of Family Feud Photo Booth Flock of Fun for all of our family and friends and weird football coaches. Here are some of our faves:
Members of the now defunct Lisa Frank Knitting Club, Susan Louise O’Connor, Julian Stetkevych and Kyle Ancowitz, pose for one last time. Not pictured: Audrey Marshall.
We don’t judge our cheerleaders Jen Kipely and Becky Byers for their life choices.
Kristen Vaughn and Alisha Spielmann. Friendship. Sometimes it’s different.
Matt Trumbull cheers on QB Stephanie Willing’s winning pass! Gender equality rules our school.
Heather O’Brien and Mike McFarland were immediately kicked out of the CIA upon discovery of this picture.
SPORTS! Zack Robidas, Marnie Schulenburg, Mike Mihm and Sol Crespo.
Prom Queen Rachael Hip-Flores and Prom Queen Anna Rahn. Enough said.
It’s a tie for Best Smile. Winners Sue Abbott and Jodi Witherell share the stage.
Alisha Spielmann and Anna Rahn got photo-chambaumed by FF host Matt Archambault
Nat Cassidy and Mozz Mendez. No diggity, no doubt.
Michael Criscuolo and Kia Rogers enjoying the night. You crazy kids!
Mac Rogers and Brian Silliman. The rumors are true.
Thanks again to everyone who made this night one to remember. All of the pictures are available for your viewing pleasure here.
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