Flux Sunday, 1/19/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.)
After a great rehearsal of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, we sat round the table to read some plays, and though we always prefer to stage them, these reads managed to pretty lively anyway, with Sid Vicious, musicals, and orgasmic disco fractals livening up the mix.
Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Becky Byers (Roommates), Marielle Duke (Ami), Romy Nordlinger (The Feeling Part), August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis)
Actors: Pete Boisvert, Rachael Hip-Flores, Nandita Shenoy, Heather Lee Rogers, Anna Rahn, Alisha Spielmann, Adriana Jones, Sarah Amandes, Jesse Rosbrow, Emily Hartford, Stephanie Willing, Matthew Trumbull, Anthony Wills Jr
Highlights Included:
-Marielle Duke’s moving and disturbing new play, which turned out to be “adult theatre” in a different way than we all expected, with some deeply felt reads from Stephanie and Sarah
-Nandita lighting up the funny in Becky Byers’ screenplay
-Ken Glickfeld may have found his calling as debauched Nutcracker in Romy’s play
-Anna Rahn played a middle-aged male doctor and an elderly female booze-hound, showing again that Rahn got range
-Jason’s play was electric with mythical tension, with nuanced reads from a tentative Isaiah and divine Anthony
If you were there, what lit up the fractals on your disco ball?
New feature! We’ll be keeping a running track of scenes developed/artists worked with in each calendar year to make the end-of-year tally a little easier.
Flux Sunday 2014 Tally
Plays in 2014: Johnna Adams (The World Builders), Nicole Aiken (The Visit), Becky Byers (Roommates), Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Marielle Duke (Ami), Aja Houston (Superwomen + Beauty Queens=World Peace?), Mariah MacCarthy (Sweet Fantasy; or, The Insomnia Play), Romy Nordlinger (The Feeling Part), August Schulenburg (Be Happy Be Happy Be Happy, The Sea Concerto), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis), Anthony Wills Jr (11 1/2 Pieces on Death, Dying, Life and Living (A Comedy))
Artists worked with in 2014: Johnna Adams, Nicole Aiken, Sarah Amandes, Ryan Andes, Pete Boisvert, Katherine Burger, Becky Byers, Anne Dufault, Marielle Duke, Ken Glickfeld, Emily Hartford, Rachael Hip-Flores, Aja Houston, Adriana Jones, Mikalena Kenyon, Jen Kipley, Mariah MacCarthy, Romy Nordlinger, Anna Rahn, Jesse Rosborow, Heather Lee Rogers, August Schulenburg, Nandita Shenoy, Alisha Spielmann, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Alexis Thomason, Matthew Trumbull, Jason Tseng, Stephanie Willing, Anthony Wills Jr.
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