Flux Sunday, 1/26/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.)
We returned to the Sandbox for our last Flux Sunday of January! And it was a busy month–between Flux Sundays and our Food:Soul of Once Upon A Brice… we touched 14 new plays, and worked with 40-ish artists–check out the stats in our rolling tallies section below!
Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Mariah MacCarthy (Sweet Fantasy, or the Insomnia Play), August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto), Nandita Shenoy (Washer/Dryer)
Directors: Kelly O’Donnell
Actors: Sarah Amandes, Pete Boisvert, Stephanie Cox-Williams, Anne Dufault, Adriana Jones, Heather Lee Rogers, Ricki Lynee, Alisha Spielmann, Adam Swiderski, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Jason Zednick
Highlights included:
- More sweet and risky intimacy from Mariah’s play Sweet Fantasy, and some tense and lovely moment from director Kelly and actors Pete and Alisha
- Adriana goes from playing Sid Vicious to a hooch-parched elderly New York dame in Katherine’s musical…what could she possibly play next week?
- Nandita brought some site-specific magic to her own play Washer/Dryer, which played with a comic misunderstanding to deleriously fun effect
- Thanks to my actors for The Sea Concerto for rolling with the changes and the layers of subtext crashing on the shore…
Plays in 2014–Flux Sunday: Johnna Adams (The World Builders), Nicole Aiken (The Visit), Becky Byers (Roommates), Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Marielle Duke (Ami), Aja Houston (Superwomen + Beauty Queens=World Peace?), Mariah MacCarthy (Sweet Fantasy; or, The Insomnia Play), Romy Nordlinger (The Feeling Part), August Schulenburg (Be Happy Be Happy Be Happy, The Sea Concerto), Nandita Shenoy (Washer/Dryer), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis), Anthony Wills Jr (11 1/2 Pieces on Death, Dying, Life and Living (A Comedy))
Other: Kristen Palmer (Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest)
Artists worked with in 2014–Flux Sunday: Johnna Adams(1), Nicole Aiken(2), Sarah Amandes(3), Ryan Andes(1), Pete Boisvert(3), Katherine Burger(2), Becky Byers(2), Heather Cohn (1), Stephanie Cox-Williams (1), Anne Dufault(3), Marielle Duke(2), Ken Glickfeld(2), Emily Hartford(1), Rachael Hip-Flores(2), Aja Houston(1), Adriana Jones(3), Mikalena Kenyon(1), Jen Kipley(1), Ricki Lynee (1), Mariah MacCarthy(1), Patrick Melville (1), Romy Nordlinger(1), Kelly O’Donnell(1), Anna Rahn(3), Jesse Rosborow(1), Heather Lee Rogers(4), August Schulenburg(4), Nandita Shenoy(4), Alisha Spielmann(4), Adam Swiderski (1), Isaiah Tanenbaum(3), Alexis Thomason(2), Matthew Trumbull(2), Jason Tseng(3), C.L. Weatherstone (1), Stephanie Willing(1), Anthony Wills Jr.(2), Christine Zagrobelny (1), Jason Zednick (1). The numbers in parenthesis are the number of Flux Sundays attended to help the Flux Creative Partners acknowledge and celebrate those who come week after week to help us develop new plays and community. Maybe we’ll have a little award ceremony for the best attendance at the end of the year?
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