Archive for 2014

Jane the Plain Press Release

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Photo and graphic design by Isaiah Tanenbaum FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Emily Owens PR | | 917.408.3677 JANE THE PLAIN WRITTEN BY AUGUST SCHULENBURG DIRECTED BY KELLY O’DONNELL  WORLD PREMIERE PREVIEWS MAY 9 & 10 PRESS DATES MAY 10, 11, & 12 MAY 9-24 @ 4TH STREET THEATRE Flux Theatre Ensemble will present the…

ForePlay: Extra Credit

ForePlay: <i src=

(Graphic design by Will Lowry.) Update: the ForePlay: Extra Credit schedule is announced! 5/15: Just Homer by Mike Mihm, performed by Matthew Murumba 5/16: The 8-Bit Invocation by Jason Tseng, performed by Neimah Djourabchi 5/17: an infinity of strangers by Lauren Ferebee, performed by Marnie Schulenburg 5/19: The Extraction by Nat Cassidy, performed by Mike Mihm 5/20: The Moving Power by Aja Houston, performed by Rachael Hip-Flores 5/21: Kore by Shaun Fauntleroy, performed by Stephanie…

Flux Sunday, 3/16/14

Flux Sunday, 3/16/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) Lots of pages! Seven playwrights brought work, and we were particularly thrilled to welcome back (if only for a moment) Lauren Ferebee and her wonderful words. Playwrights: Johnna Adams (World Builders), Becky Byers (Roommates), Marielle Duke (Speaking Up), Lauren Ferebee (The Reckless Season), Kayhan Irani (The Tree of Seeds), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis)  Directors: Marielle,…

#3030NP: UNDONE, by Andrea Thome

#3030NP: UNDONE, by Andrea Thome

(Post by Sol Crespo. Graphic design by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Our blog theme cuts off the full beauty of the design, so click here to see it and RSVP.) “Objects. Words. Bodies. Atoms are just vibrations. There for a moment — then gone. Then back again, in a new place. Never exactly the same.” –Jefito in…

Flux Sunday, 3/2/14

Flux Sunday, 3/2/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) After a week to catch our breath, we returned to Judson Memorial Church for Flux Sunday. A last minute drop-out had me filling the gap with a fair amount of Angel Juice pages. We were also delighted to have David Ian Lee return for a cameo…

Flux Sunday, 2/23/14

Flux Sunday, 2/23/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We returned to Judson Memorial Church for a Flux Sunday that featured the final scene of Nandita Shenoy’s Washer/Dryer, a play we’ve had the great joy of working through over the past several months. We also staged new scenes from Becky and Marielle’s plays, and read…

Flux Sunday, 2/16/14

Flux Sunday, 2/16/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We squeezed a bevy of talented theatre peeps into TCG for some reads around the table. While we always miss the space to stretch out provided by Judson and The Sandbox, on occasion it can be valuable to read longer stretches than we’d be able…

Flux Sunday, 2/9/14

Flux Sunday, 2/9/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We returned to Judson Memorial Church for a therapeutic Flux Sunday, featuring two scenes with characters in therapy–it’s always exciting when these unexpected resonances pop up in our plays. Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Becky Byers (Roommates), August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto) Directors:  Christine Zagrobelny Actors:…

Pictures from Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest

Pictures from <i src=

(All photos by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured above and below: the cast of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, August Schulenburg, Chinaza Uche, Rachael Hip-Flores, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Becky Byers. Post by August Schulenburg.) Thank you to everyone who brought food and attended our Food:Soul of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, and a huge note…

Flux Sunday, 2/2/14

Flux Sunday, 2/2/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We began our February Fluxing with a sparsely attended yet vigorously played Super Bowl Flux Sunday, back at the friendly confines of The Sandbox! Playwrights: August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis) Directors: Heather Cohn, Jesse Rosborow Actors: Sarah Amandes, Ken Glickfeld, Adriana Jones, Heather…
