The Salvage Project

The Salvage Project: Behind every special object we keep, there’s something even more important: a story.
From the Rockaways to Fukushima, from New Orleans to Port-au-Prince, our world continues to grapple with how to rebuild after disaster. What do we let go of from Before, and what do we search for in the ruins of After? With climate change and political instability increasing the risk of disasters, these questions of “what to keep” and “what to let go” may increasingly define us. We want to have that conversation now, and we hope that you will be a part of it.
Flux Theatre Ensemble’s The Salvage Project is a series of events where communities come together to share stories about the precious objects of their lives. Through sharing these stories, we’ll learn what matters most to the people with whom we share this city, and why.
The Salvage Project will unfold in three phases:
- Story circles: In collaboration with The Loisaida Center, Flux will host a series of story circles where community members will share the stories of a precious object. Our first story circle will be on Thursday, March 12 at The Loisaida Center, beginning at 7pm. Email Sol Crespo to RSVP.
- The Salvage Project online: This Tumblr allows for anyone in New York City and beyond to share the story of a precious object, as well as read all of the stories we’ve compiled in story circles. Submit your salvage story online today.
- Salvage the production: The Salvage Project culminates in the full-length production of the world premiere play Salvage, which imagines a band of searchers looking for precious objects left behind in a post-catastrophe NYC. Salvage will run from April 10-25 at The Loisaida Center.
Interested participants in The Salvage Project will have the option of sharing their object as part of the scenic design of the full production, as well as opportunities to have their stories transformed by professional playwrights into short monologues. Email Sol Crespo to learn more and participate in The Salvage Project.
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