Flux Sunday, 08/09/15

(Post and photo by August Schulenburg.)
After our hiatus to prepare for and recover from the Retreat, we were eager to return to the friendly confines of Judson Memorial Church for the next installment of Flux Sunday. Our numbers were diminished, perhaps because of the beautiful August weather, but that gave us more time to dive into some interesting scenes.
Playwrights: Nat Cassidy (Pierce, The Demon Hunter), Dara O’Brien (The Believer), August Schulenburg (New Year’s Eve)
Directors: Nat, Gus, Christine Zagrobelny
Actors: Ken Glickfeld, Emily Hartford, Justin Hoch, Dara, Heather Lee Rogers, Jane Taylor, Zachary Tomlinson
Highlights included:
- Dara’s Flux Sunday playwriting debut! Her play, The Believer, is a lovely duet about youth and faith, and Christine paced the scene beautifully, with Zach and Heather reaching for moments of connection while letting the bubbling energy of the play carry them along;
- Jane playing a powerful secret as the therapist in Nat’s The Demon Hunter, making me lean in with anticipatory dread (sharing a scene with a nuanced-yet-coiled Emily) ;
- Justin cracking his neck on his “I’m a wrestler” line (because he does know a thing or two about wrestling); and
- Getting the chance to hear an abandoned play of mine brought to deeply-felt life by Ken and Dara.
Thanks to everyone for a great return to Flux Sunday!
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