Flux Core Work Going Forward

Photo from the 2019 Core Work gathering at Little Pond by Isaiah Tanenbaum. 

Core Work was the name we gave to a transformational gathering at Little Pond, and to the community who joined those conversations from afar. Now it’s a working title for something new that is also a return to some things that are old–an evolution of our old Flux Sundays

What is the new version of Core Work?

A weeknight gathering of Flux’s evolving core community to make theatre and beyond. Core Work is a working title until the right name emerges. Maybe you have an idea?

Here’s the vision:

You have an idea for a play–or maybe it’s a film? 

You have the first very rough 10 pages of a new play and just need them read.

You want to stage the last 10 pages of a play that’s done (you think).

You’re organizing a protest and are hoping for support.

You baked cookies and want to give them to people who love you.

You want to talk with designers about staging an impossible moment.

You want to act in the work of playwrights you love.

You’re devising something and need all the people.

You’re struggling with a different production and want trusted folx to think it through.

You just want to hang with people that nourish and inspire you. 

Cool, that’s inspiring, but like..logistically tho?

Core Work is a weeknight gathering, usually from 6-9pm, every two weeks. It is hosted and organized by Flux Creative Partners, and collaboratively programmed by all participants. Two weeks before a Core Work, a final call for submissions is sent. Contributors signal if they can attend, if you want to bring any work, and if you do, how long you’ll need. In that final week, any specific casting needs are collectively met, and we finalize everything the night before. Flux supports basic materials needs, as well (script printing, post-its, etc.)  Every night there is at least 30 open minutes, both to give breath to our scheduling and for anything emergent that arises. 

Here are some of the things we hope will emerge from this:

  • Deeper relationships with each other and with new folx who join us
  • A place that feels like a creative home for you
  • New plays, some of which Flux will produce, and others that go elsewhere if that’s where they want to go
  • Useful failures, productive collisions, nourishing surprises 

So exciting! Can I come?

The answer is a maybe, ask us, but be patient as we figure it out. We aren’t rushing to grow this community in its early stages, however, in part because we’re learning, and in part because we feel accountable to this group of humans who’ve already shared so much with us. As Kristen Palmer shared with us from adrienne maree brown, we’ll “move at the speed of trust,” as this grows.

So stay tuned!


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