Flux Mini-Retreat, April 2022
Photos and posts by Corinna Schulenburg.
From Tuesday, April 19 through Sunday, April 24, a small group of Fluxers gathered at Little Pond Arts Retreat in Nazareth, PA for a Mini-Retreat. Why mini? Partly because everyone’s schedules are so busy, it was counterintuitively easier to meet several times rather than once; partly because we didn’t have the bandwidth for a big ‘ol Retreat like in the Before Times; and, well, in big part because COVID continues to be the worst.
Yet though we were small, we were loving and mighty! The in-person participants: Becky Byers, Neo Cihi, Heather Cohn, Will Lowry, Corinna Schulenburg, Mercena Schulenburg, Alisha Spielmann, and Jason Tseng. Virtual participants: Corey Allen, Sienna Gonzalez, Emily Hartford, Lori E. Parquet, Kia Rogers, and Isaiah Tanenbaum.
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