What She Left Us, a reading of a new play from Kristen Palmer

Join us for a FREE staged reading of Kristen Palmer’s play, Fear & Wonder! We’re thrilled to return to the poetry and heart of Kristen’s imagination after our beloved production of her play, Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest. It’s not too late to RSVP here to let us know you’ll be coming!

Flux Theatre Ensemble presents

a staged reading of

What She Left Us

by Kristen Palmer, directed by Heather Cohn

SYNOPSIS: Mati calls her grown children home to be with her as she dies. She has meaning to convey and has constructed artifacts in a final attempt to bridge the gaps in her communication. Will they grasp this and what will they understand from her attempt?

DATE: Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION: ART/NY, 520 8th Ave, 3rd Floor, NY
COST: Free!

Featuring: David DelGrosso, Emma DelGrosso, Donovan Monzón-Sanders, Kelley Rae O’Donnell, Rebecca Ana Peña, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Chris Wight
Stage Manager: Emily Rondon; ASM/Stage Directions: Allison Cachay Narva

Join us for a free intimate reading of this new script in development!


What She Left Us is made possible by the generous support of:

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