Photos from What She Left Us

(Photo by Heather Cohn)

Thank you to everyone who attended What She Left Us by Kristen Palmer, directed by Heather Cohn!

We were so thrilled to return to Kristen Palmer’s powerful theatrical imagination. You may remember our full production and Food:Soul workshop of Kristen’s Once Upon a Bride There Was a Forest, but Kristen’s work has also appeared at multiple Have Anothers, Flux Sundays, Core Works, and Annual Retreats. Flux Creative Partner Heather Cohn was the director of Bride and many of Kristen’s other Flux collaborations, so this was a true reunion!

We’re also thrilled to welcome Flux collaborators, old and new. In addition to Creative Partner Chris Wight and longtime Flux collaborator Jane Lincoln Taylor (Rattlers, Jacob’s House), this reading featured two Metra alums in Rebecca Ana Peña and Allison Cachay Narva (ASM), Portal Project collaborator Emily Rondon as stage manager, and newcomers Donovan Monzón-Sanders and Kelley Rae O’Donnell rounded out the cast, along with real-life father-daughter team, David and Emma DelGrosso (very fitting for this play about family).

(Photo by Corey Allen.)

SYNOPSIS: Mati calls her grown children home to be with her as she dies. She has meaning to convey and has constructed artifacts in a final attempt to bridge the gaps in her communication. Will they grasp this and what will they understand from her attempt?

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