Lesser Seductions review: Aaron Riccio, That Sounds Cool

(Photo by Tyler G. Hicks-Wright. Pictured: Ingrid Nordstrom, Kelly O’Donnell, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Jake Alexander, Jason Paradine, Christina Shipp, Michael Davis)

I read Aaron Riccio’s review late last night after coming home from a second rough night at the theatre. This review saved me a little, especially because of this quote:

There are moments where Schulenburg struggles with his big ideas–and that’s as it should be; that’s how you know the ideas are big enough.

If that were a few words shorter, I might just get that tattooed somewhere so I never forget it. Anyway, it’s a great review, so please, give it a read, and then get your tickets, and after you’ve seen the show, please share your thoughts here.

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