Flux Sunday, 3/11

(What is Flux Sunday?)

Playwrights: Katherine Burger (The Rainy Season), Nat Cassidy (Old Familiar Faces), August Schulenburg (Encryption, The Fields of Blue and Glow)

Directors: Murdock Lucas, Heather Cohn

Actors: Isaiah Tanenbaum, Emily Hartford, Stephanie Cox-Williams, Anna Lamadrid, Alexis Thomason, Will Lowry, David Stallings, Ken Glickfeld

After the past two mega-Sundays, it was nice to have a smaller crew, especially as we were in the smaller (but quite lovely) confines of Ken’s place. Highlights included:

-Anna Lamadrid closing out The Fields of Blue and Glow – she worked on every scene of this play over the past month, and like her contributions to the development of Perse, I am truly grateful.

-Ken’s delightful Carstairs and Nat’s glowering Frederick in Katherine’s The Rainy Season

-David rocking the panic attack of love in Old Familiar Faces (though I feared for the nearby antiques)

-Staging Encryption in Ken’s study – sometimes the unique problems of a space reveal unique opportunities for staging that teach you something about the play

All right, your turn: any take-aways from the day?

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