Flux Sunday, 7/10/16

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.)

So we begin again. After a very busy first half of the year that featured our first college residency and our production of Rizing, our old friend Flux Sunday made a most welcome return. I’d forgotten how much fun these can be, and how the community and creativity present can help heal and re-energize after some difficult days. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have the rare chance of playing a formidable British (near) dowager…

Playwrights: Marielle Duke (How We Spend Our Time While Waiting), Jerry Polner (Dirty Looks), Nandita Shenoy (Satisfaction), and Jason Tseng (Hong Kong)

Directors: Jerry, Jason, and Stephanie Willing

Actors: Marielle, Ken Glickfeld, Jen Kipley, David Neal Levin, August Schulenburg, Nandita, Isaiah Tanenbaum, and Stephanie

Highlights included:

  • Stephanie not only rocking the full-hearted Millicent in Jason’s exciting new period play (Hong Kong, 1897), but also lending quick directorial eye to Nandita’s hilarious Satisfaction (it turned out we could get some satisfaction after all);
  • Jen Kipley is back! And she not only managed to make Nandita’s zingers sing (with some help from a witty and sweet David), but she did it while performing sun salutations #professional; and
  • While we’re talking about Nandita, we must give love for her brilliant slow burn watching Ken and Marielle’s characters break all the adult/kid coaching dynamic rules (cigarettes and inappropriate reveals and all) in a delightful scene from Jerry.

Oh, it was good to be back!

1 Comment on "Flux Sunday, 7/10/16"

  1. Sarah · July 14, 2016 at 4:42 pm · Reply

    Really wish I was there with you all! Sounds like a great one! Yay new Nandita and Jason plays!

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