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FluxForward Food:Soul, AM I DEAD?

(Graphic design by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Post by August Schulenburg.) We’re thrilled to announce the second Food:Soul staged reading of a FluxForward play, Kevin R. Free’s AM I DEAD? The Untrue Narrative of Anatomical Lewis, The Slave. On Monday, December 14 at A.R.T./NY, the doors will open at 7pm to potluck food and community (please feel free…

Flux Sunday: 12/6/15

Flux Sunday: 12/6/15

Post and pictures by Isaiah Tanenbaum Actors: Ken Glickfeld, Adriana Jones, Jesse Edward Rosbrow, David Douglas Smith, Adam Swiderski Playwright: Isaiah Tanenbaum (The Transcendental Etudes) Owing to the last-minute nature of this particular Flux Sunday, we had a very intimate gathering this week, and instead of our usual fare from a variety of excellent full-time playwrights, we six…

Giving Tuesday 2015

Giving Tuesday 2015

(Photo by Alisha Spielmann and Isaiah Tanenbaum.) What is #GivingTuesday? We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose:…

Flux Sunday, NYC, 10/11/15

Flux Sunday, NYC, 10/11/15

(Photo and post by August Schulenburg.) After an unseemly hiatus driven by life-demands and a space draught, Flux Sunday has returned! We were back in the friendly confines of Judson Memorial Church for three new plays, including scenes from Kevin R. Free’s FluxForward play, AM I DEAD? An Untrue Narrative of Anatomical Lewis, The Slave (save the…

Flux Theatre Ensemble is Now a 501(c)(3)

Flux Theatre Ensemble is Now a 501(c)(3)

(Post and photo by August Schulenburg.) As we prepare for our 10th anniversary year, I’m thrilled to share that Flux Theatre Ensemble is now officially a 501(c)(3) organization! We want to send a special shout-out to the leadership of Heather Cohn in making this happen, along with clutch support from Friend of Flux Jerry Polner…

Save the Date to Come on Down

Save the Date to Come on Down

(Post and graphic design by Isaiah Tanenbaum.) Come on Down! Now that our finances are an Open Book, there’s no better game show for Flux than The Price is Right. We’re bidding a fond farewell to Family Feud and setting our course for long microphones, ridiculous games, and, dare we say, adventure with The Price Is Right: Guess…

FluxForward Food:Soul–Marian Smouldering

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum: Theatrical Photography from the 2015 Flux Retreat workshop of Marian Smouldering at the Little Pond Arts Retreat. Post by August Schulenburg.) We’re thrilled to announce the first Food:Soul staged reading of a FluxForward play, Adam Szymkowicz’s Marian Smouldering; Or, The True Tale of Robin Hood. On Monday, October 19 at TheaterLab, the doors will open at…

#SpeakUp: The Pictures

#SpeakUp: The Pictures

(Photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum: Theatrical Photography. Pictured: Holly Chou. Post by Corinna Schulenburg.) What an amazing night. On September 2, 2015, nearly 100 people crowded into Judson Memorial Church’s Assembly Hall to participate in #SpeakUp: The Street Harassment Plays. Led by Friend of Flux Shaun Fauntleroy, the evening featured seven powerful monologues about street harassment and…

Flux Sunday, LA, 9/6

    It was a low-key affair for FluxWest’s second gathering at the cheery yellow castle, which meant that we could have beer. Having run up against the holiday weekend, we made the most of our time together and read through three pieces, giving feedback at the end of each one (woot for collaboration!) Pieces worked on included:…

Flux Sunday, LA, 8/23

So, hi from the left coast! Let’s start with some truths universally acknowledged: It’s super sunny out here (the Day Star is strong in this land) Angelenos are alarmingly friendly (so much eye contact!) And I miss the frak out of Flux. So, while I am living in a house which can best be described…
