(All photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Mother of Exiles. Post by Corinna Schulenburg.) From the Creative Partners of Flux and all of us on the Food:Soul committee, thank you to everyone who made Breathe Free possible. A packed house at Judson Memorial Church showed up for free food, poetry, plays, dance and screenplays–even an interactive information circus–all on the…
(Photo by Deborah Alexander. Post by August Schulenburg. Read more about the Living Ticket and Open Book programs, and then reserve your Salvage Living Ticket today.) If you read the Week Three update, you know that after a late start, Salvage had finally caught up with and then exceeded attendance and income marks for our two previous shows at a week…
(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum, because the Living Ticket is climbing! Post by August Schulenburg. Read more about the Living Ticket and Open Book programs, and then reserve your Salvage Living Ticket today.) If you read updates from Week One and Week Two, you may remember that Week Three was looking distinctly like a make or break week for the…
(Photo by Kelly O’Donnell, edited by Isaiah Tanenbaum, because it’s just too soon for a hi-five on the Living Ticket yet. Post by August Schulenburg. Read more about the Living Ticket and Open Book programs, and then reserve your Salvage Living Ticket today!) Last week, we shared our progress from the first week of the new Living Ticket…
(Photo by Deborah Alexander of Jane the Plain. This shot felt right for this post, because we’re going to need to hustle to reach our Living Ticket goals!) So, you might be wondering…how is all this Living Ticket and Open Book stuff turning out for Flux? As part of our commitment to transparency, we’ll be…
(Post and photos by Alisha Spielmann with an assist from August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We returned to Judson for a tag-team effort where Gus launched the Flux Sunday with the help of daughter Mercena, before tagging out to Alisha, who brought the Sunday home. It was a smaller turn-out than usual, but much…
(Post by August Schulenburg, iPhone photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Matthew Trumbull, Jennifer Kipley. (What is Flux Sunday?) Our third Flux Sunday at the wonderful Loisaida Center kicked off with Isaiah filming a read-through of the first FluxForward pages submitted to us thus far, from Adam Szymkowicz’s gender-bending Robin Hood play (yup, just as much fun…
(Post by Jason Tseng. Picture by Anna Rahn of multiple BREATHE FREE rehearsals.) I wasn’t planning on getting my hands dirty. When I was asked to join the planning committee for Flux’s Food:Soul – BREATHE FREE event, I soon learned that the day of the event I would be out of town on a business trip….
(Post by Christine Zagrobelny.) Early in my research for this piece, these removal numbers from the Department of Homeland security, stretching from 1892 to 2013 caught my attention. I wanted to understand how the staggering jump during the last ~10 years happened. I took a preliminary look at the history of immigration legislation, but the…
(post and iphone photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum) (What is Flux Sunday?) It was lovely to return to The Loisaida Center for the second Flux Sunday of our residency there! While Gus and Heather took Mercena back to Forest Hills, I was left in charge with a terminal case of post-rehearsal brain. Thanks to all our participants for keeping things bouncing…
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