(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We returned to Judson Memorial Church for a therapeutic Flux Sunday, featuring two scenes with characters in therapy–it’s always exciting when these unexpected resonances pop up in our plays. Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Gerald Figures It Out), Becky Byers (Roommates), August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto) Directors: Christine Zagrobelny Actors:…
(All photos by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured above and below: the cast of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, August Schulenburg, Chinaza Uche, Rachael Hip-Flores, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Becky Byers. Post by August Schulenburg.) Thank you to everyone who brought food and attended our Food:Soul of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, and a huge note…
(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We began our February Fluxing with a sparsely attended yet vigorously played Super Bowl Flux Sunday, back at the friendly confines of The Sandbox! Playwrights: August Schulenburg (The Sea Concerto), Jason Tseng (Apotheosis) Directors: Heather Cohn, Jesse Rosborow Actors: Sarah Amandes, Ken Glickfeld, Adriana Jones, Heather…
(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Chester Poon from Have Another #11.) Our next installment of Have Another is Wednesday, February 26 from 7PM-9PM. We’ll be returning to our old home at Jimmy’s #43, at 43 East 7th Street. doors open: 7:00pm scenes begin: 7:30pm We’ll be sharing scenes from Aja Houston’s SUPERWOMEN + BEAUTY QUEENS=WORLD…
(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) We returned to the Sandbox for our last Flux Sunday of January! And it was a busy month–between Flux Sundays and our Food:Soul of Once Upon A Brice… we touched 14 new plays, and worked with 40-ish artists–check out the stats in our rolling tallies section…
(All photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Post by August Schulenburg.) Another great Have Another, and the first led (beautifully) by Alisha Spielmann! Learn more about the event here, and then read on for some glorious Tanenbaum photos and color commentary from the night. (Pictured: August Schulenburg, Sol Crespo) We began the evening, as we always do,…
(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) After a great rehearsal of Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest, we sat round the table to read some plays, and though we always prefer to stage them, these reads managed to pretty lively anyway, with Sid Vicious, musicals, and orgasmic disco fractals livening…
(Photo above by Isaiah Tanenbaum of Will Lowry and Rachael Hip-Flores. All other photos by Alisha Spielmann and team. Post by Sol Crespo and Alisha Spielmann.) FAMILY FEUD FLUX BLOG AKA FLOG Try saying that three times fast! Alright, alright. We forgot we were addressing this to a bunch of theater artist overachievers. Our Yearbook…
(Post and photo by August Schulenburg. Pictured: Rachael Hip-Flores, Chinaza Uche, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Becky Byers, Sol Crespo.) Well, first off, I suppose I should come clean right off the bat: I love Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest. I’m a fan of all of Kristen Palmer’s work (and of Kristen), but I’ll admit, I…
(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) For our second Flux Sunday of 2014 we returned to the friendly confines of Judson Memorial Church for a packed day of plays and another series of firsts and happy returns: Alexis’ directing debut, Nicole and Mariah’s playwriting debuts, Pete’s acting and Ryan returning to…
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