All posts in Blog

Flux Sunday, 1/12/14

Flux Sunday, 1/12/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg.) (What is Flux Sunday?) For our second Flux Sunday of 2014 we returned to the friendly confines of Judson Memorial Church for a packed day of plays and another series of firsts and happy returns: Alexis’ directing debut, Nicole and Mariah’s playwriting debuts, Pete’s acting and Ryan returning to…

Food:Soul–Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest

Food:Soul–Once Upon A Bride There Was A Forest

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Becky Byers and Will Lowry at the 2012 Flux Retreat staged reading of Once Upon A Bride. Post by August Schulenburg.) After the transformative experience of Understand Our Ground, we’re back to our more traditional Food:Soul format, sharing an extreme staged reading of a play we’re passionate about. And oh, are we passionate…

Flux Sunday, 1/5/14

Flux Sunday, 1/5/14

(Post and photos by August Schulenburg. Pictured: a bunch of actors super psyched to see some Becky Byers writing.) (What is Flux Sunday?) 2014 got off to a great start as we returned to The SandBox for our first Flux Sunday of the year! We staged the final scene of Aja’s Superwomen + Beauty Queens=World Peace?,…

Jane the Plain, First Production Meeting

Jane the Plain, First Production Meeting

(Post by August Schulenburg. Photo from Will Lowry’s scenic design research.) Jane the Plain production meetings have begun! We had an amazing team of FoFs and CPs assembled:  Janie Bullard( Sound), Heather Cohn, Stephanie Levin (Costumes), Will Lowry (Scenery) and Kelly O’Donnell (Director). We’re hitting the ground running towards the beginning of tech on May…

Flux’s 4th Annual Family Feud Photos

Flux’s 4th Annual Family Feud Photos

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Surprise Audience Winner, Keely Gipson, Andrea Thome, Nat Cassidy, Jordana Williams.) And what a Feud it was! On November 21, 100 attendees strode into the Broadway Comedy Club for the high-school themed Fourth Annual Flux Family Feud. An electric battle was fought between the Dinos and Jaguars, with the Jaguars…

The Year in Review: 2013

The Year in Review: 2013

(Photo of the Flux Creative Partners at our Secret Santa party. Post by August Schulenburg.) How do you measure a year in the life…of Flux? How about 2 full productions in rep? How about 4 IT Award Nominations? How about 5 new Creative Partners? How about  17 Flux Sundays? How about  55 new plays developed?…

Double your Cheer to Help Flux Dash to the Endzone

Double your Cheer to Help Flux Dash to the Endzone

(Photo graphics by Will Lowry. Post by Kelly O’Donnell.) Are you ready for some football? Because it’s game time, and here come the Fluxy Dinos! And your donations are already helping us get to the end zone! Every $2,000 raised brings us TEN YARDS closer to the goal of $20,000 by opening night of JANE THE PLAIN. To make this…

Flux Sunday, 12/15/13

Flux Sunday, 12/15/13

(What is Flux Sunday?) A peaceful Flux Sunday before the holidays saw the playfully haunting conclusion of Katherine Burger’s Down The Rushy Glen, sandwiched between 9 hours of rehearsal for the next Have Another. Playwrights:  Katherine Burger (Down the Rushy Glen), August Schulenburg (Be Happy Be Happy Be Happy) Actors: Adriana Jones, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Heather Cohn, David Crommett, Marielle…

Flux Sunday, 12/8/13

Flux Sunday, 12/8/13

(Photos and post by August Schulenburg. Pictured: Rachael Hip-Flores, Chester Poon, Heather Cohn.) (What is Flux Sunday?) No doubt: when the holiday season rolls around, Flux Sundays can get a little intimate in size…and this Flux Sunday featured work from only one playwright. Thankfully, that playwright was one of the handsomest around, and a spirited…

Have Another #11

Have Another #11

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Rachael Hip-Flores, Chinaza Uche, Alisha Spielmann, Becky Byers, at Flux’s Have Another #10.) Our next installment of Have Another is Monday, December 16th from 7PM-10PM. We’ll be returning to our old home at Jimmy’s #43, at 43 East 7th Street. The doors will open at 7:00pm, and the scenes will begin…
