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Hearts Like Fists Reviews, All of Them in One Place

Hearts Like Fists Reviews, All of Them in One Place

Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Post by August Schulenburg. I’m not entirely sure this actually is better late than never, but the completionist in me, thwarted by the volume of reviews (thanks, Emily Owens!) and the dwindling nature of time,  can’t help but at least compile of all the Hearts Like Fists reviews, even if I…

Flux Sunday and SpeakEasy, 1/13/13

Flux Sunday and SpeakEasy, 1/13/13

Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Post by August Schulenburg. (What is Flux Sunday?) OK, so Isaiah beat me to the post even with my week’s head-start. But, I will make up for it by including a pic & deets from our last SpeakEasy, which happened after Flux Sunday on the 13th. Playwrights: Katherine Burger (The Rainy…

Flux Sunday Report, 1/20/13

Flux Sunday Report, 1/20/13

Photo and post by Isaiah Tanenbaum With Gus and Heather representing Flux at the NET Conference in New Orleans, and our usual home at Judson Memorial Church unavailable, it fell to me to run Flux Sunday and the very gracious Ken Glickfeld to host. And what a fun afternoon it was, filled with SO MANY…

Flux Sunday, 1/6/13

Flux Sunday, 1/6/13

Post and pathetic iPhone photos by August Schulenburg. (What is Flux Sunday?) Flux Sunday returned after our long Hearts Like Fists and holiday hiatus! With Judson not available, we had to read scenes instead of staging them, which, while not quite as satisfying, was still a great reckoning in a little room. Playwrights: Katherine Burger…

Flux in 2012

Flux in 2012

(Post by August Schulenburg. Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum). What a year! 2012 was a FULL year for Flux Theatre Ensemble, and an absolutely joyful year for me as a creative partner of Flux. Our mission is to build a creative home for artists and audiences, and we are so deeply grateful to all the extraordinary…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Doug Strassler, New York Press

Hearts Like Fists Review: Doug Strassler, New York Press

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Marnie Schulenburg, August Schulenburg. Post: August Schulenburg) Doug Strassler is another trusted Flux critic, so it is simply wonderful to read this glowing review in the New York Press. I particularly liked this quote: And remarkably, despite the many crafty ways in which director Kelly O’Donnell has replicated a comic book…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Cultural Capitol, Will Kenton

Hearts Like Fists Review: Cultural Capitol, Will Kenton

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Rachael Hip-Flores, Aja Houston, Becky Byers. Post by August Schulenburg) Will Kenton’s reviews are always notable for their depth, but his review of Hearts Like Fists for Cultural Capitol is especially notable for its verbal playfulness, capturing the style of the play itself. Note: “Turns out she’s the Queen of…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Aaron Riccio, That Sounds Cool

Hearts Like Fists Review: Aaron Riccio, That Sounds Cool

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Chinaza Uche, Jennifer Somers Kipley, Marnie Schulenburg) As one of Flux’s longest and most important critics, Aaron Riccio of That Sounds Cool needs no introduction round these parts. I was worried when he ended up attending on Wednesday, one of our more sparsely attended shows, and on a night that ended…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Natalie Zutter, Tor

Hearts Like Fists Review: Natalie Zutter, Tor

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Doctor X. Post: August Schulenburg) I got a lot out of Natalie Zutter’s thoughtful review of DEINDE on Tor, but wondered what she would make of Hearts Like Fists, a play of decidedly more comic intentions? Happily, she digs it, and brings some fascinating comic context to her review: The mood…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Mark Lord, Queens Chronicle

Hearts Like Fists Review: Mark Lord, Queens Chronicle

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Chester Poon, Jennifer Somers Kipley. Post: August Schulenburg) I think this review, by Mark Lord of the hometown team Queens Chronicle, wins for the best title: “Oh, the dangers of love…and doughnuts”. Citing our Core Value of Joy listed in the program, he thankfully finds the experience, well, joyful. (Also, I’ve…
