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Hearts Like Fists Review: Mark Lord, Queens Chronicle

Hearts Like Fists Review: Mark Lord, Queens Chronicle

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Chester Poon, Jennifer Somers Kipley. Post: August Schulenburg) I think this review, by Mark Lord of the hometown team Queens Chronicle, wins for the best title: “Oh, the dangers of love…and doughnuts”. Citing our Core Value of Joy listed in the program, he thankfully finds the experience, well, joyful. (Also, I’ve…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Andy Webster, New York Times

Hearts Like Fists Review: Andy Webster, New York Times

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Susan Louise O’Connor, Rachael Hip-Flores, Becky Byers, Aja Houston. Post: August Schulenburg) No matter how hard you fight against it, the New York Times continues to exert an outsized influence on the minds of theatre makers, myself included. A great review in the Times doesn’t lead to a sudden burst of…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Jonathan Mandell, Backstage

Hearts Like Fists Review: Jonathan Mandell, Backstage

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Rachael Hip-Flores, Becky Byers, Marnie Schulenburg, Chinaza Uche, Aja Houston, August Schulenburg. Post by August Schulenburg). Having fallen way behind on my blog responses to reviews, I can tell those just tuning in that Jonathan Mandell’s review for Backstage is so far the worst of the lot, and it’s not bad…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Eric Sundermann, Village Voice

Hearts Like Fists Review: Eric Sundermann, Village Voice

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Marnie Schulenburg, Becky Byers. Post by August Schulenburg.) Well, THIS is a pleasant surprise. Our last review from the Voice was so indifferently nasty that it remains to this day the only review of my work I haven’t been able to respond to–it just hurt (and still hurts) too much….

Hearts Like Fists Review: Ed Malin,

Hearts Like Fists Review: Ed Malin,

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Marnie Schulenburg, Susan Louise O’Connor and Chinaza Uche). It’s no surprise that–stalwart of the Indie scene–is our second review. It was, however, a very happy surprise to find out our reviewer was playwright Ed Malin. I first learned of Ed through this extraordinary profile in the Indie Theatre Companion by…

Hearts Like Fists Review: Wendy Caster, Show Showdown

Hearts Like Fists Review: Wendy Caster, Show Showdown

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Aja Houston, Becky Byers, Chester Poon, Jennifer Somers Kipley, Rachael Hip-Flores. Post by August Schulenburg.) Our first review is out! And it’s from trusted Flux veteran Wendy Caster at Show Showdown! And she likes it! Enough exclaiming: Let the link speak for itself. I particularly like the quotes she uses to…

Hearts Like Fists: World-Building (So Far)

Hearts Like Fists: World-Building (So Far)

Surely you’ve been breathlessly following the updates from reporters like Jimmy Jenkins and Samantha Scoop on Flux’s Facebook page, your trusted source for updates on the costumed criminal scourge and vigilante justice being meted out by the so-called “Crimefighters”. But where can you read all of the updates in a single place?Right here, true believers….

Fluxing Sandy

Fluxing Sandy

Photo by Heather Cohn. Pictured: Becky Byers, August Schulenburg. Post by August Schulenburg. Becky Byers is not about to enter into the most realistic yet wildly play-inappropriate set ever. No, she is about enter into my living room, our impromptu post-Sandy rehearsal space this week. Flux lost three rehearsal days, and would have lost more…

Flux Family Feud Fotobooth

Flux Family Feud Fotobooth

(Post by August Schulenburg. Photo above by Isaiah Tanenbaum, just about all below by Maria Portman Kelly). We did a new thing this year for the Flux Family Feud: We added a photo booth! Part of this was for the Top Secret Supervillain Project (we could tell you about it, but, well), but it was…

Flux Family Feud: The Super-Answers

Flux Family Feud: The Super-Answers

(Post by August Schulenburg. Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Survey questions and tallying by Matt Archambault.) Survey says…give us the answers! Look through the actual tallies of the survey questions to remember all the heartache and elation of Flux’s 3rd Annual Family Feud: Superheroes & Supervillains Edition. Remember when the judges got real generous during that…
