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Have Another #8: The Retreat Harvest

Have Another #8: The Retreat Harvest

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Jodi Witherell, Kia Rogers, Becky Byers, Marnie Schulenburg.) Flux is returning from our annual retreat at Little Pond, and we want to share the delicious new play crop with you! Learn more about our 7th annual retreat here. Doors open at 7:30pm, scenes begin at 8:00 FREE!!! Featured scenes from: SKINLESS,…

Flux 7th Annual Retreat At Little Pond, Pictures

Flux 7th Annual Retreat At Little Pond, Pictures

Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Post by August Schulenburg. We’re back from our 7th annual retreat at Little Pond, and it was wonderful! The following are some pictures from the intrepid lenses of Isaiah Tanenbaum and Ken Glickeld, with a more in-depth report to follow. Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Alisha Spielmann, Tiffany Clementi. Tiffany was…

DEINDE Review: Jen Gunnels, The New York Review of Science Fiction

DEINDE Review: Jen Gunnels, The New York Review of Science Fiction

Photo by Justin Hoch at Post by August Schulenburg. Oh, it was a joy to return from the Retreat, and rather than facing the return to ordinary life alone, be met with Jen Gunnels review of DEINDE for The New York Review of Science Fiction. This review is further example that the long-form criticism…

Flux’s 7th Annual Retreat At Little Pond

Flux’s 7th Annual Retreat At Little Pond

Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum from the 6th Annual Flux Retreat. Post by August Schulenburg. It scarcely seems possible that in a few days we’ll be returning to the Little Pond Arts Retreat for our 7th annual retreat. It feels like only last year that the rain was falling during the last scene of Perse; heck,…

Flux Sunday, 8/12

Flux Sunday, 8/12

Pathetic iPhone photo and post by August Schulenburg. Pictured: Jane Lincoln Taylor, Michael Criscuolo. (What is Flux Sunday?) Well, it happened: three of our best Flux Sundays, all in a row. I have a hunch that whenever the long look back on all of this happens, these past three weeks will be one of the…

Hearts Like Fists Cast Announced

Hearts Like Fists Cast Announced

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: August Schulenburg from the Food:Soul of Hearts Like Fists. Post by August Schulenburg) Yes, I am indeed reprising my role as Dr. X from our Food:Soul of Hearts Like Fists (absurd acting moment captured above) in our upcoming production of the same play, running at the Secret Theatre from November 30…

Flux Sunday, 8/5

Flux Sunday, 8/5

Pathetic iPhone photo and post by August Schulenburg. Pictured: Emily Hartford, Heather Lee Rogers, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Ryan Andes, Jennifer Tsay. (What is Flux Sunday?) This makes two dynamic (and perfectly timed!) Flux Sundays in a row – can we keep it going as the dog days of August start barking? I believe, dear reader. Playwrights:…

Flux Sunday, 7/29

Flux Sunday, 7/29

Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Carissa Cordes, Rachel Lin, Isaiah Tanenbaum, and that blur of b-boying prowess, Will Lowry. (What is Flux Sunday?) Oh yes. It was that kind of Flux Sunday. We had our biggest turn out of July, but rather than being a madhouse, all the gears clicked towards awesome. Playwrights: James Comtois…

If I Did This Pictures, The Spielmann Chronicles

If I Did This Pictures, The Spielmann Chronicles

(Photo by Alisha Spielmann.) Was If I Did This the most photo-documented Flux Sunday ever? Quite possibly, true believers, with Ken Glickfeld’s awesome shots here, and Alisha Spielmann’s gorgeous work following. Perhaps all this documentation is appropriate for a show in which all the documentation in the world wasn’t enough to convict Donnie Larence (that…

If I Did This, Pictures

If I Did This, Pictures

(Photo Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Marianne Miller, Matt Archambault, John Greenleaf, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Stephen Conrad Moore) Our 10th Food:Soul went up in style! We were thrilled to play around with EM Lewis’ fascinating, unsettling cerebral thriller, If I Did This. Director Pete Boisvert took our extreme staged reading tradition and ran with it, using props,…
