All posts in Blog

Ajax in Iraq Review: Jon Sobel, Blogcritics

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured:Stephen Conrad Moore, Christina Shipp) Jon Sobel of Blogcritics has reviewed everything since Pretty Theft (except for Jacob’s House, I believe), and so it was great to have him return for his mixed but fair-minded review of Ajax in Iraq. His review touches on some of the exciting challenges of the play,…

Ajax in Iraq Photos

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Anna Rahn, Tiffany Clementi, Christina Shipp, Lori E Parquet, Sol Crespo) It was a great to take a moment and look through these photos from the keen-eyed Isaiah Tanenbaum; thanks to the work of our designers, actors and tech help, this really turned out a visually beautiful production (saying so myself,…

Ajax in Iraq Review: Will Kenton, Cultural Capitol

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Sol Crespo, Lori E Parquet, Chinaza Uche, Tiffany Clementi, Mike Mihm, Chudney Sykes) Review #2 is out, and we’re thrilled that Will Kenton from Cultural Capitol returned. You may want to reread his reviews of Jacob’s House and Dog Act to gain a deeper appreciation for the wide frame he brings…

Audience Response to AJAX IN IRAQ

This is an open thread for our community of artists and audience to respond to Ajax in Iraq. We have tried this for Dog Act, The Lesser Seductions of History and Jacob’s House, and the comments were very insightful. When you see the show, please take a moment to share your thoughts with us in…

Ajax in Iraq Review: Danny Bowes,

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Raushanah Simmons) Review #1 is out, and it certainly is a great way to start. Danny Bowes at has some truly lovely things to say about Ajax in Iraq, speaking positively of many of the most challenging aspects of the play’s reach and complexity. After the long grind of tech…

New World Iliads, #1

What is New World Iliads?How can I learn more about Ajax in Iraq? (Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Brian Pracht, Rachael Hip-Flores, Matthew Murumba, Kari Swenson Riely) By August Schulenburg, photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum What an amazing night! I think this was one of our best ForePlays ever, in part because of the quality of scripts;…

Rehearsal Report, Days 5-8

(Learn more about Ajax in Iraq)By August Schulenburg (Photo by Tiffany Clementi) The Sunday stumble-through, as might be expected, was both invigorating and exasporating. Invigorating, because the actors did a remarkable job of making it through this complex staging while still staying engaged with each other and present in the scenes. This is not only…

On Theater and Cosmology

Hey all, Isaiah here. You may know the Innovative Theater people for their annual IT Awards, which recognize excellence in the Off-Off-Broadway world (Flux productions have been nominated eight times; Asa Wember won Best Sound Design in ’08 for his work on Angel Eaters), but they also host a superb blog fittingly called “Full of…

Patrick Lee Theater Blogger Awards

We just found out that Dog Act was nominated as Outstanding Off-Off Broadway Show for a Patrick Lee Theater Blogger Award by the Independent Theater Bloggers Association! Readers of this blog know my high esteem of Patrick’s work as a reviewer, and my sadness over his untimely death, so this is especially exciting for us….

Rehearsal Report, Days 2-4

(Learn more about Ajax in Iraq ) by August Schulenburg The first days of a rehearsal are like the first years of life: a great deal is learned incredibly quickly, but you spend a lot of time bumping into things and falling down. Well, that was my fate these last three rehearsals – plenty of…
