All posts in Blog

Arizona, Imaginative Empathy, and the Never Ending Story

“What I cannot create, I do not understand.”-Richard Feynman, physicist “Bring new light to what life might be.”-Hugh Macleod, cartoonist I had been thinking about writing a post like this for some time, and write it now under the shadow of the recent political murders in Arizona and Pakistan. A question J Holtham asks over…

Scavenger Time

(Photo by Tiffany Clementi. Pictured:Zack Robidas as Coke and Julian Stetkevych as Bud) Scavengers! You’ve seen them roaming the post-apocalyptic, moonless world of Dog Act, stealing whatever isn’t nailed down to reuse and recycle, according to the whims of their insatiable appetites and the orders of their enigmatic overlord, The Wendy (praise her usefulness! praise…

Flux Sunday, January 2nd

(What is Flux Sunday?) Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Ever, Ever), Brian Pracht (Wendell Wants), August Schulenburg (The Temptation Show) Actors: Jane Taylor, Jason Howard, Ken Glickfeld, Gretchen Poulos, Alisha Spielmann, Kimberly Klein, Nora Hummel, Isaiah Tanenabum, Ryan Andes, Travis York, Matthew Archambault, Heather Nicolson Our first Flux Sunday of 2011! And, pending how rehearsals/production of Dog…

Dog Act Rehearsal Photos, Jo-Jo Sack Edition

I offer this picture, courtesy of AD Tiffany Clementi’s phone, as a moment of zen on this snowy Friday. This is Becky Byers as Jo-Jo, the semi-feral teenage vaudevillian of Dog Act, escaping from her sack of captivity in a candid rehearsal shot. Yup, this first week of rehearsal has been fun! (Cute, sure, but…

Talkback: A Play About Talkbacks

(Our amazing Dog Act playwright Liz Duffy Adams wrote this short play about the talkback process. Having lived it, I love it, and hope you will, too). TALKBACKBy Liz Duffy AdamsIn Which the Great Majority of the Talkback Dialogue Has Been Collected Verbatim Over the Years, about Various Plays by Various People The setting is…

On Watership Down and the Creative Home

I wonder if every child that grows up without much religion finds those earliest, indelible rhythms of what faith they have in books. For me, that was true, and no book burrowed deeper into how I live than Richard Adams’ tale of rabbits, Watership Down. And as it is New Years Eve and time for…

Flux Sunday, December 19th

(What is Flux Sunday?) Playwrights: Katherine Burger (Ever, Ever), Aja Houston (Superwomen?), Brian Pracht (Wendell Wants), August Schulenburg (The Temptation Show) Directors: Tiffany Clementi, Katherine, Isaiah, Kelly O’Donnell Actors: Ken Glickfeld, Matthew Archambault, Carissa Cordes, Leila Okafur, Kathleen Wise, Matthew Murumba, Lynn Kenny, David Crommett, Damon Kinard, Alex Marshall-Brown, Tiffany, Chudney Sykes, Isaiah, Aja, Gus,…

10 Reasons To Give To Flux in 2010

(Don’t need convincing? Click here to make a donation to Flux through our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas.) Thank you to everyone who has already given generously to Flux this year – all of us deeply appreciate your support. But, as you may have noticed from the emails flooding your inbox, the last two days are…

The Jewish Daily Forward’s True Drama

I was pleased to note that the Laurence Klavan of the Jewish Daily Forward mentioned Jacob’s House in his 2010 round up, True Drama. Laurence’s original review came at a time when I was unsettled by other critical reactions to the play. His current round-up is one of the more interesting takes on theatre in…

Press Photos For Dog Act

(All photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Lori E. Parquet, Chris Wight.) We had a great time taking early press photos for Dog Act (and did we mention tickets are now available with a limited time discount?) After our first music rehearsal with Gerard Keenan, he gratefully lent us his 100 year old banjo for the…
