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Core Work 12.16.19: Tardigrade Survival Manual

Core Work 12.16.19: Tardigrade Survival Manual

Post by Emily Hartford. WHO: C. Bain, Sienna Gonzalez (video chat), Emily Hartford, Ariel Kim, Ned Massey, Lori Elizabeth Parquet, Monna Sabouri, Corinna Schulenburg, Isaiah Tanenbaum (video chat), and Justin Woo WHAT: Reading and discussing new pages from the play, Pack by Corinna Schulenburg; reading and discussing the short screenplay, Drunks by Justin Woo; generative…

Help Make Our Core Values Colorful

Help Make Our Core Values Colorful

Do you miss the old days of arts and crafts and coloring books? Are you looking for a totally free and fun way to support your Fluxers this giving season? Look no further! For Flux has a newly evolved set of Core Values and we want YOU (yes, you) to color and share them with…

Core Work: Revolution/Train, by Salma Zohdi

Photo of Salma Zohdi and Corinna Schulenburg by Isaiah Tanenbaum. The following post gives a more in-depth look at one of the projects under development through Flux’s Core Work program. Learn more about Core Work here. ***UPDATE: Flux is looking for female MENA (North African & Sudanese) artists to join Core Work and contribute to…

Casting for Rage Play and Core Work

Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum of Flux’s production of Marian, or The True Tale of Robin Hood. Flux is casting! Flux is casting! Please find casting notices for Flux’s production of Rage Play as well as auditions for Flux’s Core Work program (scroll down). Rage Play Auditions Flux Theatre Ensemble is casting Rage Play, written by Nandita Shenoy and directed by Lori…

Core Work: Pack, by Corinna Schulenburg

The following post gives a more in-depth look at one of the projects under development through Flux’s Core Work program. Learn more about Core Work here. ***UPDATE: Flux is looking for trans artists to join Core Work and contribute to the development of Pack,  as well as other Core Work projects. Learn more here.*** WHAT is Pack? Pack…

Core Work 12.3.19: A couch party and a sly wolf ear

Core Work 12.3.19: A couch party and a sly wolf ear

WHO: C. Bain, Emily Hartford, Corinna Schulenburg, Salma Zohdi, and Justin Woo. WHAT: a story circle and music share for Revolution/Train by Salma Zohdi; creating a gestural vocabulary for the ‘Wolf Space’ in Pack by Corinna Schulenburg. HOW: We began by responding to the prompt of Wolf by writing down thoughts, images, poems, and more…

A Year to the Day Photos

(Post by Corinna Schulenburg. Photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum.) What a night! We were so grateful to everyone who attended A Year to the Day. This year, Flux’s annual fundraising event evolved to respond to the political pressures of the moment–and to celebrate a significant hinge-point in our ensemble’s history. A year to the day before the 2020…

Core Work 11/15/19: You are the expert of a secret of this place

Core Work 11/15/19: You are the expert of a secret of this place

Core Work 11.15.19: You are the expert of a secret of this place WHO: C. Bain, Emily Hartford, Rachael Hip-Flores, Kitty Lindsay, Corinna Schulenburg, Isaiah Tanenbaum, and Salma Zohdi WHAT: pages from Pack by Corinna Schulenburg; a story circle for Revolution/Train by Salma Zohdi; a site-specific devising activity from Emily Hartford HOW: We began by…

Announcing New Creative Partners: Corey Allen, Sienna Gonzalez, and Jason Tseng

Announcing New Creative Partners: Corey Allen, Sienna Gonzalez, and Jason Tseng

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                Contact: Emily Hartford, Flux Theatre Ensemble announces new Creative Partners Corey Allen, Sienna Gonzalez, and Jason Tseng join award-winning ensemble Flux Theatre Ensemble is pleased to announce that Corey Allen, Sienna Gonzalez, and Jason Tseng have…

Flux Honors Micah Bucey with The Larry Kramer Artivist Award

Flux Honors Micah Bucey with The Larry Kramer Artivist Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                Contact: Emily Hartford, Flux Theatre Ensemble launches Artist/Activist Award Inaugural Honoree Micah Bucey to receive The Larry Kramer Artivist Award at November 5th event “A Year to the Day” — Flux’s 2019 Fundraiser TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th…
