All posts tagged Have Another

Have Another #7 Pictures

(Don’t you want to Have Another with these peeps? Photo: Alisha Spielmann) Our seventh Have Another was a particularly joyous affair, feeling as it did like an echo of the happiness of the Retreat. With our usual photographer Isaiah Tanenbaum unfortunately absent, we turned to the mighty lens of Alisha Spielmann, who also somehow found…

Have Another #7, the Retreat Harvest

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Becky Byers, Candice Holdorf) On Monday, August 15th, Have Another returns, and this time, we’re bringing some of our favorites scenes from the Retreat! Come and find out what was going down at the Little Pond Arts Retreat, and share a drink or three with us. We’ll be returning to the…

Have Another #6 Pictures

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Jessica Angleskhan, Matthew Archambault, David Crommett, Paco Tolson) Our sixth Have Another was a lot of fun, with new artists and old favorites joining a warm house to share recent scenes from Flux Sunday. To learn more about the artists involved, click here. if you were there, please leave your thoughts…

Have Another #6

Our next installment of Have Another is Wednesday the 6th from 7PM-10PM. We’ll be returning to the friendly confines of Jimmy’s #43, located downstairs at 43 East 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave. There is no cover, just some of our favorite scenes from Flux Sunday shared over drinks with friends. I’m especially excited…

Have Another #5 Pictures

(Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Mike Mihm and surprise cameo artist Jane Lincoln Taylor) It was good to have another Have Another! In spite of the holiday and cold weather, we had a big warm house to share scenes from Ever Ever, Sacrifice, and Denny and Lila. To learn more about the artists and scenes…

We’re Going To Make The New Stories

“We can try, we can try to re-write some of the moments, make the history different – the story different. Change the story. That’s the only hope cause it’s all rooted in there. All the hate and the power and the lack of care and the blindness – it’s all in the stories that we’re…

Have Another and America’s Adolescence

When we choose seasons, we pay special attention to the ways the plays speak to each other. But when choosing scenes for Have Another, we focus more on who the playwrights are, and which Flux Sunday scenes struck the strongest chords. But while hosting the rehearsals for Have Another #5 this weekend, I noticed an…

Have Another #5

It’s back! Our next installment of Have Another is this Monday the 17th from 7PM-9PM. We’ll be returning to the friendly confines of Jimmy’s #43, located downstairs at 43 East 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave. There is no cover, just some of our favorite scenes from Flux Sunday shared over drinks with friends….

Have Another #4, Pictures

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Jane Lincoln Taylor, Katie Hartke’s arm) It was a great night! For details on who was there and what they did, here’s the post with the goods. For pics from past Have Anothers, click here, and here, and here, and here. (Photot: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Elise Link, Drew Valins) Here’s a…

Have Another, Tuesday the 19th

Have Another is back! (Photo: Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Nancy Franklin, Ryan Andes, Matthew Archambault) It’s back! Our next instalment of Have Another is this Tuesday the 19th at 7PM (holy short notice, Batman!). We’ll be returning to the friendly confines of Jimmy’s #43, located downstairs at 43 East 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave….
